Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gosh darn it, I'm getting old

Good morning internet!

I came to the conclusion this morning that I am getting old.  Besides the fact that I will hit a new decade on my next birthday or that I'm developing fine lines around my eyes and on my forehead, I spent the last hour on the phone making doctor appointments.  I wish I could say it was for the kids, but this time it was all me.  First a call to the ortho to make an appointment for my wrist - then a call to the walk-in clinic to arrange to pick up my x-rays.  Then a call to the neurologist who never called me back last week.  Then a call to my OB to ask some advice on a lovely feminine problem I'm choosing not to share with you.

Pretty soon I will turn into my grandmother...

And what is it with the ridiculous wait times to see specialists these days?  I have to wait NINE months to get Athena in to see a developmental pediatrician.  The first open appointment that the neurologist has is 2.5 months away.  Yet you drive just about anywhere in town and one of the major hospitals is expanding.  Seriously?  Who is staffing these new offices?

Ah, well.

Pretty boring Wednesday here.  Feeling pretty frustrated with my weight loss this week, so trying to kick the exercise up a notch.  I have a freelance deadline to make.  And I'm expecting a "goose dropping" - yay!  So basically the normal, mundane existence that I usually have, LOL.

Hope that the rest of you are surviving your "hump day."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thankful Tuesday

Good afternoon internet friends?  I just realized that it was time to feed the kids lunch yet I had neglected to give you an update.  Did anyone miss me?

Yesterday was a decently good day.  Took Jasmine to run the non-food portion of our errands and checked out the new Dollar Store.  Also got my lip gloss that I'd won on an online giveaway and got a shipping notice for my Franklin Goose order!  Yippee!

Not much on the books for today - just more stroller reviews and about three loads of laundry.  I'm hoping my darling husband comes home soon - if I can get the laundry done early enough I may also be able to go take a walk and enjoy this lovely weather!

This morning I won a greeting card for becoming the 600th fan on a Facebook page.  Didn't even realize there was a contest.  One of my other Facebook friends had posted that the page was trying to get to 600 fans, noticed that there were currently 599, and so "liked" it as well just to be that even 600 person, LOL.  I did go back and look over the page some, and read some of the notes. 

This woman is a photographer, which in and of itself isn't anything exciting and unusual.  She also happens to be a one-legged photographer who uses a wheelchair.  And what really struck me was the good humor with which she approached her situation.  She was nearly killed by a drunk driver, had to endure numerous surgeries and extended hospital stays, ultimately lost her leg - so she has plenty of excuses to be bitter.  Yet she manages to maintain her faith and her good humor.

Certainly a lesson to be learned, especially after just cursing under my breath because I knocked a bottle of hot sauce off the shelf where it promptly broke across my kitchen floor.  All too often we stress the little things.

So that, my good anonymous internet people, is going to be my goal for the day - find something to be thankful for and try to get through the rest of day with somewhat good grace.  Hope that you have a lovely day yourselves.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday again

Good morning internet people!

Yes, I am back to reality now with my boring posts on what we've been doing and observations on life.  No, Better Homes and Gardens hasn't contacted me to write for them, they must not be among the number of my anonymous readers (and yes folks, that is an attempt at humor).  So let's see here...

All in all it was a pretty uneventful weekend.  George had to work Saturday, so we ended up staying home all day.  Allowed me to stay on top of my freelance writing for the weekend at least.  However, while we were putzing around the house he discovered that he had managed to kill yet another Venus fly trap.

Now yes, I know that Venus fly traps are notoriously hard to grow.  And I love my husband dearly.  But why can't the man at least look up the instructions on how to care for one?  Five minutes on the internet, and several swagbucks later* I was able to tell him half a dozen things that he was doing wrong.  I know, I know, it's not "manly" to ask for directions, right?

So yesterday we drove out to Gale's, which was crazy busy, and got him another Venus fly trap.  This has to be like the 8th one he's brought home.  Anyone want to bet how long it lives?

Also stopped by the new Pet Supplies Plus they opened up in the old Ace Hardware location.  It definitely feels roomier than the old place and they now offer dog grooming.  Though I still can't help but feel a bit bitter - this is the place that when I applied for a parttime job after leaving the vet (hoping to have a little supplemental income to my pet-sitting business) told me that I was overqualified and could only apply for management.  Wait a minute, you don't want your sales associates to know something about animals?  Raise your hand if that makes sense to you...

Well, it is nearly 10 AM and I still have another 2200 words to get banged out on various strollers.  Insane the amount of money people will spend on those things.  So I will bid you all a fond adieu until tomorrow.

*If you aren't doing swagbucks yet, why not?  It is incredibly easy.  Just go to Swagbucks and sign up.  Then use their search engine to do all your random internet searches.  If you are slightly more ambitious, they also have codes and such that you can search for.  But basically just doing searches alone I've made $85 in Amazon gift cards (a $5 Amazon gift card currently costs 450 bucks) since last June.  Not bad money for doing something that I would do anyways.  And if you sign up under me then I get credit too and we both earn.

Another easy way to earn a bit of spending cash is with Pinecone Research.  These guys are a survey website, and you can get paid $3 a survey - each survey takes about 10 minutes and I usually get 2 a month.  Every once in awhile you'll be asked to test something that you take a survey about, and they'll mail you a sample - usually it's a full sized item!  I don't get credit for you signing up or anything, but if you are interested you can check them out here.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My response to Better Homes and Gardens

Good evening internet people!

Yes, I know it's Sunday and I normally don't post, but I wanted to get this out while it was fresh in my mind. I promise you that I will be back to my normal boring drivel first thing in the morning.

For those of you that haven't heard of/seen the article yet, here's the link:

10 Commandments of Dining with Little Kids

Now I feel the need to put my two cents in.  Let me preface this by saying that an evening out at a 4 star restaurant WITH kids is not my idea of a relaxing evening.  I'd much rather ask grandma to babysit or spring for a baby-sitter if the occasion was special.  However, over the course of parenthood I've come to realize that not all situations can be avoided - dinners with the boss, close friends in town for just the evening, on vacation so can't cook yourself, etc.  Plus I suppose some parents do enjoy it - to each their own.  So here's my take.


Ok, when I started reading this article, I was like, ok, that makes sense.  Then I started thinking, wait a minute, who takes a stroller into a restaurant?  And who the heck considers a stroller to be a status symbol?  Last time I checked I used mine as a convenient way to haul one or more kids around and keep the corralled in public.

So I pondered this a bit more.  Well, I suppose there are some situations - like being at Disney World - where the stroller is part of the day's activities.  Then if you think about it more - many of the finer establishments I've been to have few if any highchairs, and those they do have are so encrusted with who knows what that my child might as well be eating in the bathroom for all the germs.  Or if you have a tiny infant, you likely will have them in the carrier still - do people expect you to sit that on the floor and have the waiter trip over it?  At least most people can see a double-wide Maclaren.


Now this seems pretty obvious to me, and honestly, I don't know any parents who would willingly take their children to something like that.  But hey, you never know what will happen.  If my husband's boss said something along the lines of "Hey, come to dinner so we can talk about your promotion, and bring the family so I can meet that cute kid of yours" we'd sure be there with bells on.


Again, when does this ever happen?  Aside from simple requests like extra napkins or a spare plate, I've never heard of any parents using the server to baby-sit.


So this is the "commandment" that has the internet buzzing, particularly the "lactavist" groups.  Even though I don't consider myself a "lactavist", I am a breastfeeding mother, and I find this offensive.  For starters, 90% of the women I know are discrete about nursing in public - so much so that unless you are a nosy busybody you probably wouldn't even know what they are doing.  And then - the bathroom?!  Let's think about this.  People go to the bathroom to relieve themselves.  And I've seen some of these "nice" restrooms - garbage on the floor, pee on the seats...not to mention the millions of germs that get thrown in the air with every toilet that does get flushed.  Would YOU eat your dinner in the bathroom?  No?  Then why should my child?  And that's totally disregarding that mom needs to eat too - why should her dinner get cold just because you have a personal issue with breastfeeding?  Her plate cost just as much as yours, often more if they have other kids with them that they had to order for as well.


Well, duh.  Does this author think we are all idiots?  Most of the parents I know will order their child something they are going to eat - whether that is the kid's meal or not.  Those that don't often have good reasons - they have dietary restrictions that are not accommodated by the offerings on the kid's menu, their kids prefer the adult food, or maybe they are just trying to expose their kids to new experiences. 


Hmmm...ever heard of Foodie blogs?  They will sit there and take pictures of their plates and then come home and critique them.  Or how about that birthday celebration two tables over taking pics of Grandma's 100th?  Just how does taking a snapshot or two of my child become more offensive than these other events?


Another "duh" moment over here.  But hey, would you rather hear the bleep-blooping of some toy or infant screaming?


Well, this is one of the few posts I actually do agree with.  But then I'm also the kind of parent that has no qualms about giving a couple of spanks in the bathroom stall either if they are acting out.  But not all kids respond to the same parenting methods the same.  Some will quit acting out as soon as they realize no one is paying attention - which generally a lot quicker than they'll recover from a washroom spanking.  Plus you should keep in mind that high pitched squealing can be a sign of happiness too.  And last I checked my 4 month old doesn't come with a mute switch.


Another common sense comment.  But then the only time I've seen "free range" kids is in the lobby while waiting for a table, not usually the restaurant itself.


At this point, I'm starting to wonder where this reviewer is eating.  Did she take a wrong turn and end up at Chuck-E-Cheese instead of her 4-star cafe.  Come on now, food fights?!  Random internet people, do tell me when the last time you saw a food fight at a 4-star restaurant was?

Better Homes and Gardens, you can do better than this.  This isn't journalism.  It's not even informational.  It's one writer getting her panties in a bunch because she either doesn't like kids or doesn't have any.  Wouldn't surprise me if she was one of those "child free" people.  But insulting parents out there with this garbage is no way to encourage reader loyalty.

And if you ever need a real writer, I do freelance.  Hint, hint.

Ok random internet people, stepping down from my pedestal now.  Feel free to return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A cute carrier and fun giveaway

Ok, did that previous post pique your interest? Then here you go! This Mama Rocks is doing a review and giveaway of the Belle Baby Carrier. If you have a little one then you know how handy carriers can be - especially if you are like me and don't have enough hands, LOL. To enter the giveaway just go to This Mama Rocks, read the post, and follow the directions! Good luck!

Testing...see the next post for more!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Finally Friday!

Good morning internet people!

It appears that we have come to the end of the week yet again. Time flies when you're having "fun" huh?

Not much going on over the weekend that I know of. George has to go in to work tomorrow and I have a bunch of freelance to do, so not much to look forward to.

Survived grocery shopping with Shane yesterday, minus a diaper blowout with Caleb. Went to change him and realized that I'd used my last baby diaper on Sunday at church and forgotten to put more in my bag. So poor Caleb had to wear one of Shane's until we got home. Thankfully no leaks!

Driving home I cut through the neighborhood instead of staying on the main streets - helps to avoid some of the rush hour traffic and the stoplights. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with where I live, it's pretty much smack-dab in the middle of an Orthodox Jewish community. There are a couple of synagogues within walking distance from my house, a kosher grocery store, a big private school, a couple of kosher restaurants - you get the idea. I don't know much about the people, aside from the fact that they are a stricter denomination of Jews - they are pretty quiet and keep to themselves. In fact the men will even cross to the other side of the street if I'm out walking and won't make eye contact. At first I was insulted, but a Jewish friend of mine says that is actually a sign of respect - something along the lines of having limited contact with members of the opposite sex that are not spouses/family.

There is one street in particular that must be completely (or very nearly so) owned by these families for a good 3 block stretch, and this happens to be one of my cut through streets. I actually love driving down this street. If you ignore the oddities of dress (Well, that's probably not the right word. They all dress very formally - women in long sleeves and long skirts, men in suits and often hats and both sexes seeming to favor darker colors - so it stands out against the clothing choices that are more "typical" for this area in late spring) it is almost a blast to the past. Kids run and ride bikes up and down the streets and play in the front yards. Moms sit out on the front lawns with babies, or gather in small groups in the driveways to chat. Most of the men weren't out yet, though I did spy one elderly couple walking down the street together. It seems to be a very close-knit community, with all the moms watching all the kids.

Too bad it is not as simple as throwing on a long skirt to go and make friends. Aside from the differences in religion (I'm a Christian) I think we would get along well - many of the values I see portrayed there are ones I'd like to see instilled in my own children. Maybe one of these days I'll get the guts to take Jasmine for a walk that way and try saying hello. It's a little out of our way, and not really en route to anything on foot, but maybe we could meet someone?

Enough of my rambling, I hear Caleb fussing yet again. I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you again on Monday.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yesterday was my lucky day!

Good morning internet people! Yikes, it is nearly noon and I haven't posted anything yet!

Yesterday was my lucky day - I found out that I won a $25 "shopping spree" to the resale event in the fall and from another giveaway I won an Avon lipgloss. Maybe I should play the lotto! LOL

It's been a rough morning here, so won't stay here long. The older three have been constantly fighting and Caleb is fighting taking a nap. I have the rest of the stroller recalls due at 5 today, two loads of laundry to fold and put away, and I have to go grocery shopping. Plus I barely got to test out the Hexigame app for WoW last night since Caleb refused to go to bed (growth spurt again?!) so I really should do that too...

There are just not enough hours in the day! Hope yours is calmer!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A sad day

Good morning internet people! (Technically good afternoon. I wrote this in the morning but then apparently hit "save as draft" instead of "publish post". Oops)

If you are on Facebook or the same parenting websites that I frequent then you already know this. Little Aiyana Calendula was born last night at I believe 22 weeks 1 day gestation. She lived about an hour before joining her sister Taela in heaven.

My heart is absolutely breaking for this family I've never met in person.  How unfair can life be?  Little Taela was also a micropreemie, born at 24 weeks or so.  She was a little fighter and lived about a week and a half before succumbing to an infection.  If that wasn't heartbreaking enough in and of itself, now to have her little sister also be born too soon...

I don't understand it.  It's one of those great big "why isn't life more fair" sort of mysteries.  How is it that one family that would love to have more children have two leave them too soon, yet there are other families who can carry to term only to leave their newborn in some dumpster?

Caleb 3 month professional pics

Hopefully this will work.

Click on the box to see them. :-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Good morning internet people!

Yech, it's Tuesday again.  And a dull, drab, gray, rainy Tuesday as that.  Even Mother Nature is having an oatmeal kind of day.

Not even much interesting to say.  Did the first half of shopping yesterday with Athena.  Now to see if Thursday goes smoother.  She chattered the entire time.  Which falls somewhere between cute and annoying - especially because you can't understand what she is saying a third of the time.

Very frustrated with my weight loss this week.  I'm only down about a pound since Friday, normally I'm closer to two by now.  I'm sure it's due to the fact that I've not been exercising - between work, the kids, and the weather I'm barely finding time to do the things that have to be done.

Going to see the doctor this afternoon for my wrist.  Tired of waking up in the morning and not being able to make a fist because it hurts so much.  Though I highly doubt they will do anything.  I can't take a lot of drugs with the breastfeeding and all urgent care did was take a couple of x-rays and then sent me home with a brace.

One exciting thought...and this will show what a geek I am...I'm getting to test a new WoW add-on today.  Well, as soon as I finish writing about how to access jail records in Texas and the servers come back up from their Tuesday maintenance.  It's supposed to help you level way faster than any other add-on - from 1 to 80 in a week's worth of playing time.  So we'll try it out.  If you're on Rexxar, the new alt is Leitra, and she's a Dwarf Warrior - figured the Aerie needed some more tanks in case we ever get back into guild runs.  If not tanks are usually in high demand for PUGs too.  And it should be a new challenge over playing casters.

Guess that's about all to report.  Off to make my oatmeal now, hope the internet is good to you today.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend wrapup

Good morning internet people!

Let's see if I can give you a brief synopsis of the weekend.

Friday afternoon - saw the neurologist.  Still not much she wants to do because the headaches aren't horrible and she doesn't want me to go on meds while breastfeeding unless I absolutely have to.  So I'm supposed to talk to the pedi and see what he thinks is ok, and then they are supposed to call me to make an appointment sometime today.  Which reminds me, I think I need to call my photographer and find out where Caleb's proofs are and call my regular doctor for an appointment to get this stupid wrist looked at.  On a side note...I didn't wear my amber necklace yesterday, and I swear my headache was a bit worse.  It might have been a coincidence though, I'm not sure.

Saturday morning we got up bright and early to drive out to Berea for a big resale.  This one was a consignment sale instead of the typical mom-to-mom kind I usually go to, and frankly I was impressed.  They lay out the stuff much like you would see in a store - one rack for girls 0-3, another for boys - each size/gender getting it's own rack.  Which as you can guess makes it super easy to shop.  Plus Saturday was the second day of the sale, so many of the items were half off!  I got roughly 48 pieces (a few things for each child) for about $60 after tax - so not bad!  I think I may forget the mom-to-mom sales and just do this one; they will have two sales in the fall as well.

My only complaint with the above - I just don't get how people price things.  Since it was consignment, the original owner gets to set the price and decide whether or not it will be reduced.  Now I don't know about the average person, but honestly - I don't care if a sleeper is made by Gap or Walmart, just that it is cute, clean, and will fit my child in the appropriate season.  So I don't get people who price their sleeper at $10 just because it is a Gap brand and then don't even allow it to be reduced?  Come on!  I'm not going to pay more for a used sleeper than I would a brand new one!

Sunday we had nursery duty at church.  It went pretty calmly this week - no major tears or anything.  Hard to believe how big some of the babies that I see every time are getting!  And sort of sad/scary to see that Shane is starting to get to be one of the older babies in there...this time next year he will be in Rainbows with Athena!  Actually, I think there will be a short period where the three oldest will all be in Rainbows, because I think the next class starts at 1st between Shane's birthday (assuming he's potty trained by then) and Jasmine's they'll have all three of them - poor teachers!  LOL

Not much going on today but work.  I'm going to try and split up the shopping this week, so since we need more Pullups for Shane Athena and I will be going out to do Phase 1 today.  Then Shane and I will go and get Phase 2 on Thursday.  Jasmine got to go to the resale, so she won't go shopping again until next week.

And in case anyone didn't see my Facebook post, please pray for an online mommy friend.  Her water broke over the weekend and she is only 22 weeks along.  The family has already lost one daughter due to prematurity complications, so we are all praying that God lets them enjoy this one a bit longer - hoping for a miracle!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Made it 2 weeks now...

Hello internet people!  Can you believe that this is the completion of a second work week?

Let's see here, I managed to survive shopping with Shane yesterday.  I think I need to come up with a better system - maybe do half of my errands on one day and half on another?  Because shopping at a 2 year-old's speed is not very time efficient.  It took us 4 hours to:

  • Stop at Zagara's to get meat for the week
  • Go to the UPS store to check mail and pick up my free coconut oil that was delivered (any suggestions on what to use it for?)
  • Stop at the bank to get quarters for laundry and some singles for the resale tomorrow
  • Go to Target to get some cleaning supplies, diapers, and sandals for the older 3 kids
  • Stop at the post office to mail out a package
  • Go to Aldi to get the majority of the groceries
  • Go to Giant Eagle for the rest of the groceries that I didn't get at Aldi
And in to that sitting in the parking lot to feed Caleb and it was 630 before I got home and after 7 by the time I got dinner on the table and the groceries put away.  Add to that a certain little boy who didn't want to go to bed and 3 hours of freelance and it was about 1 AM before I crawled into bed...

I don't anticipate today being much better schedule-wise.  Here it is 11 and I'm just getting ready for work after catching up on some household chores and nursing Caleb 3 times since 6 AM.  Plus George and I have neurologist appointments down in Bedford this afternoon.

A "yay!" moment - I actually one the Simply Trendy giveaway I posted about on Tuesday!  Yay!  I never win those things.  I will post pics when it arrives.

I also found a yummy protein "bar" recipe - turns out more like a pudding than a bar, but for 257 calories you get 29 g of protein, 27 g of carbs, and only 3 grams of fat!  Plus it only takes 4 ingredients!  All you need to make them are:

8 scoops of your favorite whey protein powder (I used the EAS brand in chocolate)
3 cups of Oats
1 box of sugar free/fat free pudding (I used chocolate)
2 cups of skim milk

Mix together and refrigerate until set.  Now the recipe says to spread it into a pan, but I think since it stays like a pudding I will just make it in the bowl next time.  Makes a total of 8 servings.  It has a slight protein aftertaste but nothing like some of the bars I've tried.  So let's see - I get a good amount of protein with only a little fat, a chocolate fix, and oatmeal (which we know is good for breastfeeding!).  Seems like a win to me.

A less happy note for any of the local readers of my blog (if there are any of those) - Lyndhurst vet had two litters of kittens and a mama cat dumped on them this morning that are looking for homes.  So if you need a four-footed companion and want to rescue, please call them.

And let's see, it's Friday, which means the weekend is coming up and you'll have to do without my fascinating commentary (note the sarcasm).  Busy one here - besides the freelance I have a big resale in Berea to go to tomorrow morning and nursery duty at church on Sunday morning.  At least there should be something to talk about on Monday, right?

I hope that all you lovely internet people have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Good morning internet!  And seriously, where did the week go?

Yesterday was mentally exhausting.  Between work, and housework, and helping Jasmine with schoolwork I felt like my brain was on all day.  Which was probably why despite going to bed utterly exhausted at midnight I didn't fall asleep until 1 AM.  Which between that, the 4 AM potty break for the girls, and the 5 AM feeding of the Caleb, would explain why I'm very tired this morning.

On a positive note, I did take dinner over to the mommy from church.  Her little one is just a month younger than Caleb (apparently she snuck under the radar and didn't get any meals delivered immediately after birth, but her hubby is out of the country right now so this worked out just as well) - but she looks so little compared to him.  She's roughly 10 pounds and he's closer to 15, LOL.  People who see him keep thinking his 6 months old instead of 3 - so why can't I quit worrying about his gain?  She's thinking of offering up her home for a regular mommy group/devotional/play date - so maybe I will get a chance to connect with some other moms!  Yay!  Silly me for debating whether or not to volunteer a meal because I didn't know her...

So it's Thursday...which means it's grocery shopping day, AGAIN.  I feel like I buy so much food each week, yet by Thursday my shelves are looking depressingly bare.  It doesn't bode well for the teenage years.  Let's see, by the time Caleb is 13 I will also have a 15, 16, and nearly 18 year-old in the house!  Gulp!

For those of you that don't know, I don't take all 4 kids shopping with me.  I wait until George gets home from work so I can leave some of them with him.  I was taking just Jasmine (well, and since Caleb's been born him too obviously) but lately that caused some sibling rivalry.  So now we rotate - Caleb is still going every time, and then one other of the older kids.  Today it is Shane's turn, and the boy is ridiculously excited about it.  He woke up this morning asking if he got to "go-go."

Which leaves me feeling torn.  Between you, me, and the computer screen I'm sure you can understand that of the 4 only Jasmine is actually in anyway helpful, so taking Athena and especially Shane is just more work for me - and I don't exactly look forward to it.  But they get so excited to go!

I'm not sure what I'll do when Caleb gets old enough to be left at home.  Do I make the rotation 4 weeks long (easier on me)?  Do I double them up girls one week, boys the next or 1 girl 1 boy each week (less waiting for them since they go every other week)?  Which I suppose brings me to the question, how much one-on-one time do children really need with their parents?  I see moms online feeling horribly guilty even having a second one (or waiting to conceive a second one until the older child is in school) because they feel bad that it isn't fair that #2 never has any alone time with mom.  But then there are families like the Duggars who have so many kids that I imagine actual one-on-one time is pretty scarce.  It warrants some thought.

Well my protein-fortified oatmeal is getting cold, Caleb is stirring, and I still have over 3000 words on WoW Arena and accessing jail records to get completed, so I suppose I should get off the internet and into Word.  Hope that you all have a great day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Protein bar FAIL

Good morning internet people!

Note to self (and any others who might try the recipe):  If you tried the protein bar recipe I posted earlier, you might want to refrigerate them.  They start smelling funny pretty quickly.  So much for breakfast this morning.

So I tried a different protein bar recipe - really simple, just protein powder, egg white, vanilla, oat bran, and water.  Another FAIL.  Probably wouldn't be so bad with flavored protein powder (mine's unflavored) or maybe next time add some cinnamon and raisins to it.  It's very bland and chewy.  Though I do suppose not eating is one way to lose weight, albeit not the healthiest version.

So, an update on Shane's "do".  General consensus was it didn't look quite right and needed to be narrower for a mohawk.  We tried that, but with his hair being so fine and curly it just gave him a weird, bald patch looking thing.  So we took it all off.  It ended up being shorter than I would have wanted, but hair grows back.  And he is so proud to look like Daddy.  I'm actually surprised how much more he looks like Daddy now.  Darn dominant genes, can't ANY of my kids look like me?

So here's your proof:

Let's see, not much going on here today.  Still not convinced the amber is working - anyone out there know how long it takes to take effect?  I've got a ridiculous amount of freelance to get done today (it seems to be either feast or famine, nothing in between).  Plus three loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away.  And I'm taking dinner to a new mom from church.  Which should be nice because her two are a bit younger than my youngest two, so there's the potential for playdates there.  I'm just hoping the three pounds of chicken breasts I took out this morning thaw in time (they are earlier eaters than we are).  Well, and that they like fajitas...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another fun giveaway!

Hello random internet people, just another heads up about another great giveaway.  Simply Trendy is a new Etsy store and they are offering a giveaway on their blog to celebrate reaching 50 fans!  Choose between two different appliqued onesie styles and a business card order.  Click on the link above to see the blog for details.

Don't let daddy near the clippers

Hello again my internet friends!

So yesterday was interesting.  Besides the insane amount of work I have for this week, I also had a WIC appointment with weight checks for both Athena and Caleb.

Athena is now approximately 28.25 lbs and 37.25".  That is roughly 1/2 a pound and 1/2 an inch gain over her 3 year appointment in February if accurate.  Caleb was 14 lbs. 11 oz. and 25".  That is just over a pound and an inch of gain since early April.  I'm worried about, they say they are making the minimum growth amounts so they are happy, and I did manage to walk out of there with just a minor lecture about giving them a well-rounded diet.

The real fun was last night.  Shane was in need of a haircut - it was getting shaggy around the ears and he had a tail in the back.  I had pictured a sort of longer buzzcut - just even everything out to maybe a half an inch long.  Daddy had another idea.

Shane before:

Shane after bath last night:

Shane this morning:

Daddy gave him a mohawk!  I think it looks silly and want him to cut it off.  He thinks it looks cute.  Either way I just it's just hair and will grow back...

Also of note I received my necklace from Inspired by Finn.  They do Baltic Amber jewelry, and for those of you that don't know amber is supposed to help with various ailments.  Necklaces are supposed to help with things like headaches, teething pain, and so forth.

The necklace is cute - not really my style normally.  I think I should have ordered a slightly shorter length.  It is honey-colored amber with beads in graduating sizes from largest at the front to small at the back.  So far I'm not noticing any difference, but there are people out there that swear by this stuff so I'm giving it a shot.  I deal with daily headaches and migraines a couple of times a month, so if wearing a piece of jewelry is all it takes to get rid of it I'm all for it!  I will keep you posted on how it is working.

And now my lovely internet people I must go off and write about how to access jail records in the various 50 states.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wrap up of the weekend

Good morning internet people, hope that all of you had a wonderful weekend.

It was an interesting one here I guess.

Friday night - well technically Saturday morning since it was 2 AM - I get woken up by DH sitting up in bed.  He says that he hears someone in the hall, so we get up to investigate and find Shane in the living room.  While I'm trying to figure out why he was out of bed in the first place, DH goes to the bathroom and finds the toilet ring on the toilet.  So the best guess is that he woke up and thought about going to the bathroom and then came looking for help?  He didn't need to go once I put him on there...

Saturday was the cooking "class" at church.  It was ok I guess.  The food was very good and the men they had asked to come help out were very good about waiting on our every need.  Unfortunately the recipes weren't anything that I could make again - I mean, I could make them, they aren't difficult, but no one but me would eat them so what's the point?  It's frustrating living in a house of picky eaters.  I had also hoped there would be more of the "mommies" there.  Most of the women that came were older, more like my mom's age.  And while I know many of them and they are lovely people, they aren't really the kind of women I can go "hey, wanna hang out and go to the movies or coffee or a playdate with the kids at the park?" if you know what I mean.  It seems to be harder and harder to make friends as I get older.  The lack of occasions to do so and just the fact that everyone is so busy with their jobs and their own families.  Plus I've never been that good at just walking up to people and being social...

Sunday was Mother's Day.  I don't even feel like going there with this blog today, lest I bum all of you out too.  I will say that my mother-in-law was very nice and brought over some cupcakes and a very generous gift card to Target.  Which was incredibly thoughtful of her but nothing that she needed to do at all.

Not much interesting going on today.  More freelance and then I have to take Caleb and Athena up to WIC.  It will be nice to get the weights on them - being that Caleb is still pretty much exclusively breastfed the whole weight gain thing has me concerned, and we discussed Athena's weight in the last post.  Not that I'm really sure why WIC cares.  At our last appointment they said they were going to call our pediatrician because on their records Athena had lost weight (I think they misweighed her because at her appointment at the doctor the day previous she'd weighed a pound less) and I was like "ok, we were JUST at his office so he already knows how much she weighs"...and no one ever called me after that so I don't know what happened there...and I'll probably tackle cleaning the bathroom if I find the time.

Oh, and any other dieters out there, I made these protein bars yesterday.  I doubled the protein powder and added a half cup of water to them.  They are actually pretty good.  "Healthy" tasting, but they don't have that weird protein aftertaste that store bought bars do.  And you could swap the ingredients around to change it up a bit.

Hope you all are surviving your Mondays and the start to the week.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Weight issues

Good morning internet!

As I'm struggling with my own weight loss at the moment (amazing how a few pounds from each baby can quickly add up!) I've become all to aware of what I and the kids are eating.  Well hubby too, but he's on his own -  a thirty-something man should be able to make his own eating habits!

It is interesting how much the kids eat.  Since I've been practicing strict portion control for myself there are days where I swear that they eat more than I do.  And then there are other days where they scarcely eat a thing.  So maybe it balances out.  Athena is the only one that I truly worry about it.  The others are on the thin side for their heights, but not unusually so.  Athena is a stick.  A good gust of wind would take her to Summit County.

Yesterday was grocery shopping day, and it was her turn to go with me.  Caleb always goes, and then I rotate the other three in turns.  They are so excited to "help" - just don't tell them that they are really more of a hindrance!  So I snapped a few pics of her with my cell phone:

Waiting for the elevator at Target:

Inside the elevator:

Sleeping in the car on the way home:

And a view of her arm/leg:

Sigh.  Doesn't seem to be anyway to fatten her up.  Oh well, maybe she'll be a high fashion model?

Myself, on the other hand, has not been so lucky of late.  I should be happy - I've lost 19.6 pounds in the last 6 weeks.  But I still feel fat.  I can't wear half of my clothes.  And my midsection is disgustingly flabby.  Plus I'm not even sure how much of the damage is permanent given that I've had 4 kids in 4.5 years - I fear that the skin will never return to normal.  But to see for yourself how much my belly has changed in the last 3 or so months:

This is 3 days before Caleb was born, my last pregnant belly shot:

This is still in the hospital, 3 days post Caleb:

About 2 weeks post-Caleb:

8 weeks post-Caleb and the start of the competition:

And 6 weeks into the competition (14 weeks post-Caleb):

I suppose that I'm heading in the right direction.  I'd love to be here again (pre-kid modeling pic):

Or at least close.  But that's a long ways to go still.

Not sure if I will be able to do any posts over the weekend.  Tomorrow is Saturday, and I'm attending a "cooking class" at church.  They tell me it's mostly eating, LOL.  Not exactly great on the diet, but I need some adult interaction.  And then Sunday of course is Mother's Day, we'll have to see if hubby and the kids do anything...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Another oatmeal sort of day

Yup, it's Thursday.  At least we are that much closer to the weekend, right?  And unfortunately I don't have any pearls of wisdom to impart on whatever random internet readers might have stumbled on the blog.

(Sorry for the poor quality of pics that follow, they were all taken with my phone.)

Yesterday was sufficiently boring for "hump day."  With the threat of rain Caleb and I hung out in the bedroom.  He spent most of the afternoon like this:

Which means that the entire afternoon I had this view:

And I sadly didn't even get a nap out of it, because any time I moved he'd wake up and scream.  Sigh.  Though I did get caught up on my latest issue of the Weight Watchers magazine, which sadly wasn't so much inspiring as it was hunger-inducing.

Looking at the pictures I have realized that I am really white.  Caleb is the "fairest" of the four so far, yet he at least has a bit of a rosy glow to him.  And thanks to daddy he'll probably tan well, unlike me who turns into a lobster if I think about going outside in the sunlight.  Consider this one from our walk on Saturday (which I shared on Facebook) I am nearly see-through:

Maybe I was a vampire in a past life?  Look out Bella!

ETA:  I realize that some people may be offended by nursing pics.  Remember what I said in the first post?  This is MY corner of the internet.  Don't like it and you are more than welcome to click the red "X" in the upper right-hand corner.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm a pretty princess

Good morning internet friends!

So yesterday was one of those absolutely gorgeous days for a walk.  Warm enough that you could wear light clothing but not so warm that you are sweating like a pig halfway through.  Aria and I headed down to Quarry Park, which is actually a nice place for walking - will have to keep that in mind for future reference.

On the way back we passed a mom with a couple of girls, and as expected they admired the babies (Caleb loves the kangaroo carry in the mei tai when he's awake).  One of the girls, I'm guessing she was about 3, then tells me that I'm a princess.

Let's think about this a moment.  I was wearing a skirt* and a nursing tank, had managed to pull my hair up.  I had a little mascara on and chapstick and was probably a bit flushed as we'd been walking for probably 45 minutes at that point.  I haven't a drop of royal blood in my veins and I must have left my tiara at home.  But to a three year-old's eyes all you need is a pretty dress and a smile and you can be a princess.

Now this seems to be a common belief with the under-5 set, as I've heard my girls make similar proclamations when I've put them in a dress.  And maybe there's a life lesson there.  Most of the time we moms probably feel like Cinderella minus the helpful, singing mice - always running after this or that chore that has to be done.  But even Cinderella got to go to the ball.  Sure, it was in a pumpkin, but she made the best of it didn't she? 

Maybe all of us should strive to be a princess today.  Put on something that makes you feel pretty, slap a smile on your face, and make it a goal to find something that makes you happy.  Cheesy Disney song optional.

And with that this Cinderella should really get back to her work, which ironically enough is writing freelance articles about maid services, LOL.

*Note: If you need a pretty skirt, can I recommend Enwrapture?  And no, I don't get any kickbacks, I just really love their stuff.  Check out the beauties that came for me yesterday below.  And don't let the list price scare you - if you can get in on a co-op the skirts are only $10-12 a piece, sometimes less.  And if you do have a co-op you'd better invite me, I have a slight addiction!  LOL  And do ignore the gym shorts.  I'm a pretty princess, I can wear whatever I darn well please.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's Tuesday!

Good morning Internet people! Sure, I know most of you aren't paying attention to this page (well, except Melissa - Good morning Melissa!), but I find it easier to write if I picture an audience of random readers. Probably a habit from doing freelance writing, which is what I should be doing at the moment. But griping seems more interesting than beat making programs and maid services in Manhattan, which are my two projects to work on today.

So back to it being Tuesday...I'm having a blah today, which seems fitting for a Tuesday. Tuesdays don't have much distinction, do they? Mondays are, well, Mondays. Wednesday is "hump day." Friday is the end of the week. Thursdays may be just as blah as Tuesdays, though at least then you are closer to the weekend. Sigh.

Tuesdays are about as bland as this bowl of mushy steel cut oats I added skim milk and protein powder to. At least the texture of the oats hides the grainy protein taste and if I add enough cinnamon to the mix I can no longer smell the odd, Playdoh-like smell of the protein powder. This diet stinks. If anyone has any ideas for a high-protein, low fat breakfast that do not include egg whites, chicken, or Greek yogurt let me know. I may attempt making my own protein bars this weekend. They can't be any worse than the premade ones are, right? You'd think I'd be skinny again by now, I'm a bit tired of being as mushy as this oatmeal. I know, I know, I just had a baby, blah, blah. But that doesn't mean that I can be dissatisfied with my appearance anyways. I'm pretty sure the baby gestated in my belly, not my butt, yet those extra 30 pounds I have left to lose seem to have migrated south quite conspicuously. And don't get me started on my hair. Besides having started the lovely postpartum shed it is now quite obviously two-toned thanks to my dyeing mishap last year. Apparently black never washes or fades out, despite my utter avoidance of any sort of color-protecting shampoo. So it seems my options would be: 1) shave my head, which would help with the shedding issue as well, 2) dye it all black again, but I'm not really feeling the goth look right now, 3) pay large sums of cash and go to the salon, or 4) sit here and gripe at you about it. Until I win the lotto it looks like I'm stuck with option 4.

Not much going on yet today. Got the baby down for a nap a little while ago, and after a couple of time outs the older three are managing to get along. Plan on going walking with Aria later on this afternoon, it will be nice to get out of the house and the weather should be decent. Whiting for dinner tonight, which at least is low enough in fat that I can manage to work in one leftover Cadbury creme egg. Evil little piece of chocolate heaven. Don't tell anyone, I have at least a dozen still in the freezer for the days I have a few extra calories to work with...

Monday, May 3, 2010

So how's this for a second post: Butterfly Baby Place is giving away free bibs!

Ok, so this might not actually fall under the "just Nicole" category of things, but how's this for something fun? Butterfly Baby Place is giving away some adorable bibs! Two winners for this. She has a girls' and a boys' style and they are both totally cute. Hoping to win the boys' style myself for a few months from now when Caleb is eating solid food, but seeing the way Jasmine ate dinner tonight maybe she should be wearing a bib too, LOL. Find out all the details on her blog: Good luck!

Just call me Nicole

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I suppose every blog should have an introductory post, just for those people (like me) who are anal enough to go back and read the very first entry. So here you go.

Why just call me Nicole? Well, for those of you that know me my married last name is a hard to spell, even harder to pronounce Greek name. If I had a dollar for every time I've had to stop someone from completely butchering it in the last 6 years I could probably pay my car off. So yeah, you can just call me Nicole.

As far as the purpose of this blog, I could have just as aptly named it "Just Nicole." That's all it is. I might post a good sale I found, but this isn't one of those blogs that can teach you how to feed a family of 12 on $50 a month. I might share a picture or two, but this isn't one of those photography blogs with images you'll want to steal to display on your desktop. I might share a good recipe I've found, but I'm not a foodie nor am I chef. I might talk about my family but I'm no relationship coach. What you see is what you get. This is just Nicole.

Feel free to read. Feel free to comment. Feel free to discuss. I only ask that you keep all comments PG-13. Feel free to debate - this is me, uncensored, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. However, keep it nice. Comments that are insulting, derogatory, or simply picking a fight will be deleted.

Thanks for sharing my little corner of the internet.