Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's Tuesday!

Good morning Internet people! Sure, I know most of you aren't paying attention to this page (well, except Melissa - Good morning Melissa!), but I find it easier to write if I picture an audience of random readers. Probably a habit from doing freelance writing, which is what I should be doing at the moment. But griping seems more interesting than beat making programs and maid services in Manhattan, which are my two projects to work on today.

So back to it being Tuesday...I'm having a blah today, which seems fitting for a Tuesday. Tuesdays don't have much distinction, do they? Mondays are, well, Mondays. Wednesday is "hump day." Friday is the end of the week. Thursdays may be just as blah as Tuesdays, though at least then you are closer to the weekend. Sigh.

Tuesdays are about as bland as this bowl of mushy steel cut oats I added skim milk and protein powder to. At least the texture of the oats hides the grainy protein taste and if I add enough cinnamon to the mix I can no longer smell the odd, Playdoh-like smell of the protein powder. This diet stinks. If anyone has any ideas for a high-protein, low fat breakfast that do not include egg whites, chicken, or Greek yogurt let me know. I may attempt making my own protein bars this weekend. They can't be any worse than the premade ones are, right? You'd think I'd be skinny again by now, I'm a bit tired of being as mushy as this oatmeal. I know, I know, I just had a baby, blah, blah. But that doesn't mean that I can be dissatisfied with my appearance anyways. I'm pretty sure the baby gestated in my belly, not my butt, yet those extra 30 pounds I have left to lose seem to have migrated south quite conspicuously. And don't get me started on my hair. Besides having started the lovely postpartum shed it is now quite obviously two-toned thanks to my dyeing mishap last year. Apparently black never washes or fades out, despite my utter avoidance of any sort of color-protecting shampoo. So it seems my options would be: 1) shave my head, which would help with the shedding issue as well, 2) dye it all black again, but I'm not really feeling the goth look right now, 3) pay large sums of cash and go to the salon, or 4) sit here and gripe at you about it. Until I win the lotto it looks like I'm stuck with option 4.

Not much going on yet today. Got the baby down for a nap a little while ago, and after a couple of time outs the older three are managing to get along. Plan on going walking with Aria later on this afternoon, it will be nice to get out of the house and the weather should be decent. Whiting for dinner tonight, which at least is low enough in fat that I can manage to work in one leftover Cadbury creme egg. Evil little piece of chocolate heaven. Don't tell anyone, I have at least a dozen still in the freezer for the days I have a few extra calories to work with...

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