Monday, May 3, 2010

Just call me Nicole

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I suppose every blog should have an introductory post, just for those people (like me) who are anal enough to go back and read the very first entry. So here you go.

Why just call me Nicole? Well, for those of you that know me my married last name is a hard to spell, even harder to pronounce Greek name. If I had a dollar for every time I've had to stop someone from completely butchering it in the last 6 years I could probably pay my car off. So yeah, you can just call me Nicole.

As far as the purpose of this blog, I could have just as aptly named it "Just Nicole." That's all it is. I might post a good sale I found, but this isn't one of those blogs that can teach you how to feed a family of 12 on $50 a month. I might share a picture or two, but this isn't one of those photography blogs with images you'll want to steal to display on your desktop. I might share a good recipe I've found, but I'm not a foodie nor am I chef. I might talk about my family but I'm no relationship coach. What you see is what you get. This is just Nicole.

Feel free to read. Feel free to comment. Feel free to discuss. I only ask that you keep all comments PG-13. Feel free to debate - this is me, uncensored, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. However, keep it nice. Comments that are insulting, derogatory, or simply picking a fight will be deleted.

Thanks for sharing my little corner of the internet.


  1. Hello Jeanne! That's odd, it didn't send me a message saying that you posted. I need to go figure that out.
