Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A sad day

Good morning internet people! (Technically good afternoon. I wrote this in the morning but then apparently hit "save as draft" instead of "publish post". Oops)

If you are on Facebook or the same parenting websites that I frequent then you already know this. Little Aiyana Calendula was born last night at I believe 22 weeks 1 day gestation. She lived about an hour before joining her sister Taela in heaven.

My heart is absolutely breaking for this family I've never met in person.  How unfair can life be?  Little Taela was also a micropreemie, born at 24 weeks or so.  She was a little fighter and lived about a week and a half before succumbing to an infection.  If that wasn't heartbreaking enough in and of itself, now to have her little sister also be born too soon...

I don't understand it.  It's one of those great big "why isn't life more fair" sort of mysteries.  How is it that one family that would love to have more children have two leave them too soon, yet there are other families who can carry to term only to leave their newborn in some dumpster?

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