Monday, May 10, 2010

Wrap up of the weekend

Good morning internet people, hope that all of you had a wonderful weekend.

It was an interesting one here I guess.

Friday night - well technically Saturday morning since it was 2 AM - I get woken up by DH sitting up in bed.  He says that he hears someone in the hall, so we get up to investigate and find Shane in the living room.  While I'm trying to figure out why he was out of bed in the first place, DH goes to the bathroom and finds the toilet ring on the toilet.  So the best guess is that he woke up and thought about going to the bathroom and then came looking for help?  He didn't need to go once I put him on there...

Saturday was the cooking "class" at church.  It was ok I guess.  The food was very good and the men they had asked to come help out were very good about waiting on our every need.  Unfortunately the recipes weren't anything that I could make again - I mean, I could make them, they aren't difficult, but no one but me would eat them so what's the point?  It's frustrating living in a house of picky eaters.  I had also hoped there would be more of the "mommies" there.  Most of the women that came were older, more like my mom's age.  And while I know many of them and they are lovely people, they aren't really the kind of women I can go "hey, wanna hang out and go to the movies or coffee or a playdate with the kids at the park?" if you know what I mean.  It seems to be harder and harder to make friends as I get older.  The lack of occasions to do so and just the fact that everyone is so busy with their jobs and their own families.  Plus I've never been that good at just walking up to people and being social...

Sunday was Mother's Day.  I don't even feel like going there with this blog today, lest I bum all of you out too.  I will say that my mother-in-law was very nice and brought over some cupcakes and a very generous gift card to Target.  Which was incredibly thoughtful of her but nothing that she needed to do at all.

Not much interesting going on today.  More freelance and then I have to take Caleb and Athena up to WIC.  It will be nice to get the weights on them - being that Caleb is still pretty much exclusively breastfed the whole weight gain thing has me concerned, and we discussed Athena's weight in the last post.  Not that I'm really sure why WIC cares.  At our last appointment they said they were going to call our pediatrician because on their records Athena had lost weight (I think they misweighed her because at her appointment at the doctor the day previous she'd weighed a pound less) and I was like "ok, we were JUST at his office so he already knows how much she weighs"...and no one ever called me after that so I don't know what happened there...and I'll probably tackle cleaning the bathroom if I find the time.

Oh, and any other dieters out there, I made these protein bars yesterday.  I doubled the protein powder and added a half cup of water to them.  They are actually pretty good.  "Healthy" tasting, but they don't have that weird protein aftertaste that store bought bars do.  And you could swap the ingredients around to change it up a bit.

Hope you all are surviving your Mondays and the start to the week.

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